Datenaufnahme in Schritten
Datenaufnahme in Schritten
Wenn du im Außendienst tätig bist und schnell sowie unkompliziert Daten erfassen musst, ist eine klare und gut strukturierte Eingabemaske unerlässlich. Besonders bei einer großen Anzahl an zu erfassenden Feldern ist es sinnvoll, die Dateneingabe in mehrere Schritte zu unterteilen. Auf diese Weise wird der Benutzer nicht überfordert und kann schneller sowie geordneter die notwendigen Informationen eingeben.
In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir dir, wie du mit einfachen Tricks und nützlichen Widgets eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche gestalten kannst, die dir die Datenerfassung erheblich erleichtert. Erfahre, wie du die Effizienz deines Arbeitsalltags steigerst und dabei stets den Überblick behältst.
Widget: Custom Layout mit integrierten Mini Widgets: Input, Button, Text und Icon.
Anwendungscode Teil 1 Layouts & Überschriften
let current := this;
let namenLayout := arcCustomLayout({
uniqueId: "namenLayout " + Nr,
embedded: true,
fullscreen: false,
direction: "vertical",
alignX: "center",
alignY: "center",
width: "490px",
height: "100%",
gap: "10px",
backgroundColor: "",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
blocks: [{
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
styles: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "vorname" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "G",
title: text(Vorname),
value: text(Vorname),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "Vorname",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
}, {
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "Nachname" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "H",
title: text(Nachname),
value: text(Nachname),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "Nachname",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
let adressLayout := arcCustomLayout({
uniqueId: "adressLayout " + Nr,
embedded: true,
fullscreen: false,
direction: "vertical",
alignX: "center",
alignY: "center",
width: "490px",
height: "100%",
gap: "10px",
backgroundColor: "",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
blocks: [{
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
styles: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "Straße u Hausnr" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "I",
title: text('Straße + Hausnr'),
value: text('Straße + Hausnr'),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "Straße & Hausnummer",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
}, {
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
value: arcCustomLayout({
uniqueId: "adressZeile PLZ und Ort " + Nr,
embedded: true,
fullscreen: false,
direction: "horizontal",
alignX: "left",
alignY: "center",
width: "",
height: "",
gap: "10px",
backgroundColor: "",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
blocks: [{
width: "200px",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "left",
color: "",
styles: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "PLZ" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "J",
title: text(PLZ),
value: text(PLZ),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "PLZ",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
}, {
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "left",
color: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "Ort" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "K",
title: text(Ort),
value: text(Ort),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "Ort",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
let kontaktLayout := arcCustomLayout({
uniqueId: "kontaktLayout " + Nr,
embedded: true,
fullscreen: false,
direction: "vertical",
alignX: "center",
alignY: "center",
width: "490px",
height: "100%",
gap: "10px",
backgroundColor: "",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
blocks: [{
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
styles: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "kontakt" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "N",
title: text(Telefon),
value: text(Telefon),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "Telefon",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
}, {
width: "",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
value: arcCustomInput({
uniqueId: "Ansprechpartner" + Nr,
recordId: Nr,
fieldId: "O",
title: text('E-Mail'),
value: text('E-Mail'),
type: "text",
embedded: true,
disabled: false,
width: "100%",
height: "40px",
alignX: "left",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
fontColor: "",
fontSize: "",
fontWeight: "",
backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0",
borderWidth: "",
borderColor: "",
borderRadius: "",
focusAction: {
width: "",
showFocusOutline: "",
outlineWidth: "",
outlineColor: ""
labelSettings: {
title: "E-Mail",
fontSize: "",
alignX: "",
gap: "10px"
uniqueId: "Content Aufnahme " + Nr,
embedded: false,
fullscreen: false,
direction: "vertical",
alignX: "center",
alignY: "top",
width: "",
height: "450px",
gap: "",
backgroundColor: "",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
blocks: [{
width: "",
height: "100px",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
value: arcCustomText({
uniqueId: "headline" + Nr,
embedded: true,
width: "",
height: "",
alignY: "",
alignX: "center",
fontSize: "27px",
fontWeight: "700",
fontColor: "",
lineHeight: "",
textWrap: "",
textScroll: "",
textAlign: "",
textDirection: "horizontal",
textDecoration: {
type: "",
style: "",
color: "",
thickness: ""
value: if Menu = "1" then
if Menu = "2" then
if Menu = "3" then "Kontakt" end
}, {
width: "",
height: "fraction",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
value: if Menu = "1" then
if Menu = "2" then
if Menu = "3" then kontaktLayout end
}, {
width: "",
height: "100px",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "center",
color: "",
styles: "",
value: menuSteps
Anwendungscode Teil 2 Menü Buttons
let current := this;
function buttonSubmenu(data : any) do
uniqueId: "Button submenu " + data.uniqueId,
title: data.title,
width: "",
height: "",
alignY: "",
alignX: "",
icon: arcCustomIcon({
name: "check-circle-fill",
color: if data.completed = true then
iconSize: "19px",
containerSize: "21px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
borderSize: "",
borderColor: "#fff",
borderRadius: "50%"
fontSize: "",
fontColor: if = true then "#fff" else "#777" end,
backgroundColor: if = true then
if data.completed = true then
borderColor: if = true then "#4970FF" else "#777" end,
borderRadius: "18px"
let menuList := [{
title: "Name",
value: "1",
showLine: true,
completed: Vorname != null and Nachname != null
}, {
title: "Adresse",
value: "2",
showLine: true,
completed: 'Straße + Hausnr' != null and PLZ != null and Ort != null
}, {
title: "Kontakt",
value: "3",
showLine: true,
completed: Telefon != null and 'E-Mail' != null
uniqueId: "menuSteps " + Nr,
embedded: true,
fullscreen: false,
direction: "horizontal",
alignX: "center",
alignY: "center",
width: "",
height: "",
gap: "5px",
backgroundColor: "",
paddingY: "",
paddingX: "",
blocks: menuList.[{
width: "auto",
height: "auto",
lineHeight: "",
alignX: "left",
color: "",
styles: "",
clickAction: {
type: "update",
recordId: current.Nr,
field: "M",
value: value
value: buttonSubmenu({
uniqueId: "buttonSubmenu " + value + " " + Nr,
title: title,
value: value,
active: current.Menu = value,
completed: completed