
Sortierung innerhalb einer Table

Sortierung innerhalb einer Table

In diesem Gastbeitrag von Fox Concepts zeigt dir Christoph, wie du ganz einfach eine Sortierung in der Custom Table integrierst. Bestimme selbst, in welchen Spalten nach was sortiert werden kann.


let dash := this;
let baseId := "SortableTable_";
let rowHeight := "40px";
let itemHeight := "30px";
let sortBy := Sortierung;
let sortDesc := Absteigend;
function sortableColumnHeader(columnTitle : text,fieldName : text) do
	"Adding a button to the header cell, that writes the actual sort request to helper fields";
			uniqueId: baseId + "ColumnHeader_" + columnTitle,
			embedded: true,
			fullscreen: false,
			direction: "horizontal",
			gap: "1px",
			blocks: [{
					height: "auto",
					alignX: "left",
					value: columnTitle
				}, {
					width: "20px",
					height: "auto",
					alignX: "right",
					value: arcCustomButton({
							uniqueId: baseId + "HeaderButton_" + columnTitle,
							embedded: true,
							icon: GIPMaterialSymbolsV2({
									weight: 400,
									filling: 1,
									icon: "swap_vert",
									color: "#3381ff"
							iconPosition: "center",
							gap: "1px",
							showBadge: false,
							actions: [{
									recordId: dash.Nr,
									type: "update",
									field: "A",
									value: fieldName
								}, {
									recordId: dash.Nr,
									type: "update",
									field: "B",
									value: sortBy = fieldName and not sortDesc
function getSortedList(fieldName : text) do
	"Get the sorted list according sort settings";
	let list := if fieldName != null then
			(select Kontakte) order by get(this, fieldName)
			select Kontakte
	if sortDesc then
		for i in range(cnt(list), 0, -1) do
			item(list, i - 1)
let list := getSortedList(dash.Sortierung);
let data := {
		uniqueListId: baseId,
		tableId: tableId(first(list)),
		height: "500px",
		header: {
			showHeader: true,
			height: rowHeight
		maxHeight: "800px",
		borderColor: "black",
		minHeight: "500px",
		groupedBy: "",
		popupButtonTitle: "Open",
		scrollBar: {
			showScrollBar: true,
			width: "5px",
			height: "5px",
			backgroundColor: "",
			handle: {
				height: "5px",
				borderRadius: "",
				backgroundColor: ""
		table: list.[{
				recordId: Nr,
				rowHeight: "40px",
				columns: [{
						field: "Vorname",
						title: sortableColumnHeader("Vorname", "Vorname"),
						value: Vorname,
						width: "220px",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr
					}, {
						field: "Nachname",
						title: sortableColumnHeader("Nachname", "Nachname"),
						value: Nachname,
						width: "220px",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr
					}, {
						field: "Straße",
						title: sortableColumnHeader("Straße", "Straße"),
						value: 'Straße',
						width: "220px",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr
					}, {
						field: "PLZ",
						title: sortableColumnHeader("PLZ", "PLZ"),
						value: PLZ,
						width: "220px",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr
					}, {
						field: "Ort",
						title: sortableColumnHeader("Ort", "Ort"),
						value: Ort,
						width: "220px",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr
					}, {
						field: "Telefon",
						title: "Telefon",
						value: Telefon,
						width: "220px",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr
					}, {
						field: "E-Mail",
						title: "E-Mail",
						value: 'E-Mail',
						width: "",
						actions: [{
								type: "popup",
								showPopupButton: false,
								recordId: Nr